Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Using SSH to forward ports

Ports on remote machines can be forwarded over a SSH tunnel using the ssh command line tool. Using the ssh config file it is possible to set up many ports to be forwarded at the same time running one command. Putty can be used to achieve similar results on Windows.

To forward a port the syntax is the ssh command followed by the local port then the local host then remote port and host
ssh -L 8080:me.local.org:80 myuser@s1.remote.org

To forward many ports at once created a config file in ~/.ssh/config as follows

host localme
  HostName s1.remote.org
  User myuser
  LocalForward 8080 me.local.org 80
  LocalForward 8443 me.local.org 443

Then run ssh localme and give the password for myuser